Durand City Council adopts 2015 budget
In a regular meeting held November 24, the Durand City Council adopted the 2015 budget.
City Engineer Russ Kiviniemi reported they are closer to finalizing quantities for the Washington, Ninth, and Tenth Street projects. He said a punch list will be made and addressed in the spring.
McCabe submitted pay request #4 in the amount of $180,944.47, and Kiviniemi said payment was recommended. A retainer of 1.5 percent, or $18,248.44 is being held until restoration is complete in the spring. Kiviniemi said the project looks like it will come in about .4 percent over the bid amount.
The consent agenda, including minutes from the November 12 regular meeting, and bartender licenses for Cheryl A. Sorenson and Danny Mitchel for Prock's Construction Zone (Thirsty Catfish), and Jenna L. Kerstner for Cobblestone Inn and Suites, was approved.
The Council reviewed the proposed 2015 budgets, levy, and mill rate.
General property taxes are projected to bring in $400,000 revenue, up $25,000 from 2014. Total general fund revenue is projected at $1,177,305, up $25,557 from 2014.
The general fund budget was proposed at $1,164,874.15, an increase of $17,659.15. The surplus is projected at $12,430.85.
The water fund is projected to have a $31,614.50 defecit, while the storm water fund is projected to have a $31,269.18 defecit.
The sewer fund is projected to have a $22,785 defecit.
City Administrator Josh Eggleston reported the ambulance fund revenues are projected to be up $84,000, with expenses up $9,108.
Police Chief Stan Ridgeway gave an overview of the police proposed department budget.
Eggleston stated there are some things in the budget that worry him in the long-term, some being things beyond the City's control that they must answer to.
Eggleston stated he was not formally recommending a tax levy at this time, due to some unclear information in City assessments. A special meeting will be scheduled next week to determine the levy.
The Council approved Resolution #14-09, adopting the 2015 budgets for the General Fund, Library Fund, Debt Service Fund, CDBG Housing Fund, TID #3 Fund, Water Utility Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, Sewer Utility Fund, and Ambulance Fund.
Adoption of the 2014 tax levy payable in 2015 was tabled until the December 1 special meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Patrick Milliren reported the pool committee met again, and it was recommended the committee get more public participation. They will not meet in December, but will be back in January.
Milliren reminded the Council that Dazzle Day is Saturday.
After the budget process Milliren stated the recodification efforts will be brought back to the table. He also said once the City is past the budget, they will again look at the comprehensive plan.
Eggleston reported he has been trying to hit the health insurance issue head on and come up with good solutions. He recommended the City keep the same plan, and increase premium contributions from 5 to 7 percent. The Council approved.
The Council also approved the purchase of a laptop to replace the administrator's desktop computer.
Eggleston reported he does not recommend a wage increase due to the increase to health insurance premium contributions. He said he'd like the Council to think outside the box to offer non-monetary compensation in place of a wage increase. It will be put on a future meeting agenda.
The next regular Council meeting will be held December 10. The Council will discuss rescheduling the second December meeting, as the regular date falls on Christmas Eve.