Pepin County Board hears proposed 2015 budget
In a meeting held November 12, the Pepin County Board of Supervisors heard the proposed 2015 budget.
Minutes of the October 15 meeting were approved.
Finance Director Pam DeWitt reported that everyone worked to achieve a balanced budget, which was not an easy process. She said the departments in the county have some work and strategic planning to do.
DeWitt reported an overall increase in the mill rate. No new debt was incurred for the 2015 budget. The maximum surplus the County can use is $281,000, and $250,000 is budgeted.
DeWitt reported there were no significant changes to get to the balanced budget. $3.933 million was budgeted, with $3.863 available, so $59,912.00 had to be cut. The finance committee identified areas to reduce expenses, and came up with more than was needed, so extra money was rolled into a contingency fund.
Resolution 32-14 for the ratification of tentative settlement with Pepin County Law Enforcement Association was approved 11 yes, 0 no, 1 absent. The Personnel Committee accepted a tentative deal.
Resolution 33-14 for the ratification of tentative settlement with Pepin County Communications/Corrections Officers Association was also approved.
Resolution 34-14 to establish 2015 wages for non-union/non-elected employees was approved with a two percent salary increase.
The County Aid Bridge Petition was approved at a total cost of $12,600 with an amendment, as the original cost was thought to be $6,300. Anyone representing a village or City was unable to vote, and the petition was approved 6 yes, 1 absent, 5 abstaining.
Resolution 35-14 regarding staffing in the county clerk’s office was approved, as it had gone before finance and personnel.
Resolution 36-14 regarding a specialized transportation assistance program grant was approved. DeWitt reported state statutes make grants available, and the county must match the grant at not less than 20 percent, which was budgeted. The Board authorized Human Services to submit the grant application.
Resolution 37-14 to establish the 2014 Pepin County tax levy and adopting the 2015 Pepin County Budget at $3,870,119 was approved 10 yes, 1 no, 1 absent.
Paula Ashbeck gave the Pepin County Human Services Department 2014 annual report.
The Board heard a presentation from the Western Region Recovery and Wellness Consortium, regarding mental health and substance abuse in Chippewa, Pepin, and Buffalo County.
Resolution 38-14 regarding a 2014 budget modification for a security window for the clerk of circuit court’s office was approved. DeWitt reported the department received extra revenue and will support the window installation by transferring money to the maintenance fund.
Dwight Jelle reported a strategic planning presentation will be given at the next Board meeting.
Jim Dawson gave a finance committee report and stated some immediate repairs are needed in the government center, and the committee approved a maximum of $4,500 for repairs int he 2014 budget.
Bruce Peterson gave a highway committee report, and stated hiring rates for fill-in positions have been a main topic. They are hoping to fill three vacancies.
Jelle reported $55,000 is being cut from the human services transportation budget, and it is yet to be determined where the money will come from. He said the committee is really getting into service adjustments and cuts, as well as addressing issues in the department. He stated some changes should have been done years ago, while others will be new and challenging.
Jelle also reported on the land conservation department, and said Chase Cummings and his staff is doing a lot of education for area kids.
Peter Adler reported for the health department and stated home care coordinator Tracey Johnson resigned earlier this month, effective November 9. No new admissions for personnel care and supportive homecare will be accepted until staffing capacity is available, and Heidi Stewart will be handling interim home care coordinator responsibilities until alternate plans are made.
The Board of Health will also be evaluating cost efficiencies of the program offerings at future meetings.
Gerald M. Bauer stated he was disappointed in poor attendance at Veterans Day programs at the schools.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, December 17 at 7 p.m.