Hunter Shoengarth, who is pursuing Eagle Scout, held a 5k to help raise money for his project, replacing the playground equipment at the Plum City American Legion Park. Approximately 44 people participated in the walk/run, and approximately $1,000 was raised.

Scout on home-stretch of fundraising for Eagle Scout project, playground update

The community has been a big help, and I’m very appreciative.


In an effort to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, Plum City Scout Hunter Shoengarth has been working since November to raise money to replace the playground equipment at the American Legion Park. 

As reported in the November 7 issue of The Courier-Wedge, the playground equipment that is currently at the Legion Park was formerly at the Plum City Elementary School. Some of the equipment was installed in the 1990s, while the swing set, merry-go-round, and a slide have been there since the ‘60s, if not earlier. 

Schoengarth, who will be a junior at Plum City High School this fall, said kids have been getting hurt on the equipment for years, and are in danger of being struck by foul balls from the baseball field. 

Shoengarth must complete his project before he turns 18, so he got an early start working towards the needed $20 to $30,000 to purchase and install new equipment.

In late October, Shoengarth received the “OK” on his project, and began planning how to fundraise. With the early start, he gave himself about three years to complete the project. 

Schoengarth’s goal is to complete the project by the summer of his junior year. So far, he has raised approximately $21,000, and said he has about $5,000 to go. 

Most recently, Shoengarth put together a 5k walk/run during Plum City’s Summerfest the morning of July 19.

Approximately 44 people participated, and over $1,000 was raised.

Shoengarth has also sent out donation letters, has jars set out at local businesses, and has held a meat raffle.

“I’m on track to meet my goal,” he said. 

Schoengarth said he’ll be having another meat raffle soon, and the donation jars are still out.

“This has been a lot more work than I expected,” he said. “There’s a lot more organization required than I thought.”

Schoengarth said he hopes to complete his project this fall, but it will for sure be done by the next Summerfest in Plum City.

“So far this project has helped me become more organized myself,” he said. “I’m also learning that hard work does pay off.”

Schoengarth said he’s receiving great support from the community and those he has reached out to. 

“The community has been a big help, and I’m very appreciative,” he said. 

The Legion has set up an account for donations, and Schoengarth has a Facebook page created for updates—Plum City Legion Park Playground Restoration. Donations can be sent to American Legion Playground Restoration, 728 First Street, Plum City, WI 54761.


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