Caucus sets spring election ballot for Village of Strum

STRUM - The Village of Strum held its caucus and monthly board meeting in the Strum Community Room back on January 8.

Three seats on the Village Board are up for election. The four candidates who were nominated are Josh Stendahl, Sherry Bjerke, Mark Bartow and Luke Hanson. I cumbent member of the board Matt Nelson turned in the appropriate documentation for non-candidacy. Both Stendahl and Bjerke are incumbents while Bartow and Hanson are non-incumbents. The spring election is set for April 4.

Discussion of a plan to build a new house on Elm St. was tabled until the next meeting as ground will not be broken until spring.

Barry Christianson spoke to the Board about water run-off. The Public Works Dept. will set a meeting with adjacent neighbors.

There was discussion over insurance premiums as they went up significantly for 2024. Currently only three employees currently take health insurance. A meeting will be set up with insurance agent to discuss options.

The Board approved a Public Works Dept. recommendation for a storage container near the new Synergy Building to be kept there until such as it can be moved into its proper place and painted this spring to be conducive with surrounding buildings.

In other agenda items, the Board set up a public hearing re-zoning North American Fly a/k/a Strum Hide & Glove for Jan. 29. They also voted unanimously to increase the rent to $2,500 per year for five-year lease for Farmland Inc.


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