Eleva-Strum School Board holds November meeting

CENTRAL - The Eleva-Strum School Board held its November meeting on the 8th in the Central school building IMC.

The Board approved the library plan for the district along with the Wisconsin Act 143 School Violence Drill that took place during Academic Kick Start in August. The board received a written summary of the drills.

The Board also approved the hiring of Kloe Hillestad, C-Team Girls; Basketball Coach and Justin Turk, Volunteer Assistant High School Girls Basketball Coach.

There was discussion on a proposal regarding fitness space and equipment in the Central school building as a capital improvement. Options to utilize the existing space and expand into an open area in the middle school gym were reviewed and representative from Dynamic Fitness conducted a study on existing spaces and provided a quote for repurposing. These updated spaces would be available for use for students, athletes, and community members.


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