Jackson County Board approves solar energy project

BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors approved a 20-acre solar energy project in the Jackson County Forest during its August meeting back on the 17th at the Government Center.
The Board voted unanimously of those members in attendance to support the project. The resolution passed offered a 30-year lease for Dairyland Power Cooperative to operate the site.
There were two resolutions in regards to mental health the Board both passed unanimously. The first urges the State Legislature and the Governor to provide funding (either another State facility or subsidies for private, not-for-profit organizations) to establish an in-patient acute behavioral health unit to serve the Northern counties and the second resolution urges the state to, its 2025-27 state biennial budget, provide full state GPR funding to cover the full non-federal share of MA CSP and Crisis services.
The Board also passed a resolution urging state and or Federal help to renovate the count airport.
A resolution to establish a full time community development position within the UW Extension office in Jackson County, replacing a part-time Horticulture Director was defeated by a 12-6 margin.
In other agenda items, a resolution to make changes to the Jackson County Ordinance Chapter 11 (Health and Human Services) and the addition of a section on private water systems was approved along with a resolution to create of a non-lapsing Election account to carry over unspent funds to operate elections to be used in the next budgeting cycle, a resolution authorizing the net revenue generated from the completion of pathways within the Pathways Community HUB Model will be retained in a designated line with Fund 20 for sustainability of the Community Health Worker position, a resolution updating the county's nepotism policies in county employment and the Board also passed an initial resolution that there shall be issued general obligation promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $3,500,000 for public purposes, including paying the cost of courthouse and jail improvements, garage improvements and park improvements..