Strum Village Board approves borrowing plan

STRUM - At a special meeting held back on Feb. 24 the Strum Village Board voted in favor of a borrowing resolution for half a million dollars.

The resolution that was passed will have the Village borrow the money from the Trust Funds of the State of Wisconsin for the purpose of financing operations and for no other purpose. The loan is to be payable within 10 years from the 15th day of March preceding the date the loan is made. The loan will be repaid in annual installments with interest at the rate of 6.00 percent per annum from the date of making the loan, which was the 15th of this month. This resolution was adopted unanimously.

Also at that same meeting, the Board approved a new Community Hall Rental Agreement that will raise rent per day to $75 as well as Cleaning/Security Deposit to $75 along with raising the Additional Alcohol Deposit to
$150. Also approved was a motion to have the Village sell the lots in Prairie East Addition – 147 Aspen Ct. and 232 Butternut Dr. Both motions were adopted unanimously.

During February's meeting of the Strum Village Board, operator's licenses were approved along with building permits for a new house on Elm St. for Cynthia Huebner and for DBA Rods and Collision, a 60x80x16 addition to the shop. The Board also approved the hiring of Natisha Nelson as the Village's new Clerk/Treasurer along with placing an ad for a new Public Works Director. Lots 8,9 and 10 of Block 1 of the 1945 addition in Strum were re-zoned.

The Board went into closed session pertaining to a legal matter concerning a property on Oak St. The Board returned to open session, took no action and adjourned.


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