
Augusta Area Times

AUGUSTA - To understand how the Augusta School District found itself with a deficit in its 2024-25 school year budget, you have to look at the problem on two tracks, short term and long term. On the...
AUGUSTA - A shortfall in the school district budget of Augusta will be the main topic of discussion at an informational meeting in the district next week. Pecha said the district's small fund balance...
FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek Village Board held two recent special meetings along with its regular board meeting in November. All of which took place at the Village Hall. The first special meeting...
FALL CREEK - The Fall Creek School District Annual Meeting, taking place back on Sept. 23 in the District Meeting Room, approved the 2024-25 school district budget and tax levy. The budget that was...
FALL CREEK - Discussions on Fall Creek Pond dominated the village board meeting for Fall Creek back on Aug. 12 at the Village Hall. A portion of the meeting was devoted to the pond's management...

Tri-County News

BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution to set up a study to look at building a new jail facility at its January meeting held on the 20th at the County...
STRUM - The Strum Village Board approved an amendment to water rate increase done back in Augusta at its December meeting held back on the 9th at the Civic Center. The Board amended the rate increase...
BLACK RIVER FALLS - The Jackson County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution during its December 16 meeting at the county government center demanding help from the state for mitigation and...
STRUM - The Strum Village Board approved the village's 2025 budget at a special meeting of the Board held back on Nov. 25 at the Strum Civic Center. The Village will spend $1,153,515.18. The...
STRUM - The Strum Village Board heard citizens concerns about burning in the village during the Board's meeting back on Sept. 9 at the Civic Center. Citizen Jim Hallis spoke against burning within...


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